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Cass County Conservation District Announces Availability of Annual Tree Seedling & Fruiting Plant Catalog

Tree Sale has begun!

Cassopolis— Annual Tree Seedling & Fruiting Plant CatalogThe Cass County Conservation District’s Annual Tree Seedling & Fruiting Plant Catalog is now available and pre- orders must be submitted by April 7.  The Annual Tree Sale (including pre-order pick-ups and sales of additional plants on a first come, first serve basis) is scheduled for April 20-22, 2017.

“This year we have focused on native, wetland, and species that benefit pollinators including a special addition of the Butterfly milkweed to specifically benefit the Monarch butterfly.” said Korie Blyveis, Executive Director.  Due to the many lakes and streams in Cass County and because the desire to restore native shorelines has been expressed to us, we selected and have identified species that will do well in wetland forests and shoreline edges and will help expand the diversity of species that will also benefit wildlife.

Expanded fruit tree selection due to good reviews

Last year the root stock of the fruit trees we offered was excellent and there was good feedback on the quality and transplant success of the trees.  Because of this AND our desire to benefit pollinator species that have recently seen great losses we are offering apple, cherry, plum, peach, and apricot trees.  Plus, from a different supplier we are trying native Paw Paw as well.


As always we are continuing to supply an excellent variety of conifers that are well-suited for use in windbreaks.  Windbreaks are a specific planting of trees that will slow prevailing winds.  This method of planting will help conserve energy used in buildings and reduce damage to crops, plus provide cooling shade.

Annual Tree Seedling & Fruiting Plant Catalog

Pick up your copy of the catalog today at the Cass County Conservation District office located at 1127 E. State Street, Cassopolis, MI 49031, call 269-445-8641 x 5 to request it be mailed or emailed to you.  Check out our website at to learn more about the District and our expanding programs.


Conservation District Meetings

Please feel free to join us at a monthly meeting:

The Cass County Conservation District Board meets every month on the second Wednesday at 8:30am.  Reports from the MAEAP Technician, CISMA Outreach Educator, NRCS District Conservationist, and the Executive Director are followed by the current business of the board.

The meetings are held in our meeting room located at 1127 E. State Street, Cassopolis, MI 49031.

All meetings are open to the public.

Special Budget Workshop scheduled for August 29 at 5:30pm at Nelson's Herb Garden located at 65391 Dailey Rd, Edwardsburg, MI 49112  - feel free to join us.


Special Meeting Location for September 13 Meeting and Budget Hearing - the meeting will be held at Amazing Acres located at 18430 US-12, Edwardsburg, MI 49112 at it's regular time of 8:30am.  Please join us as we discuss the FY 2017/2018 Budget and complete meeting with a tour of the Amazing Acres - a MAEAP verified farm.