Soil Erosion & Sediment Control

The Cass County Conservation District is the designated County Enforcing Agency (CEA) for enforcement of the State of Michigan Part 91 rules regarding Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control.

A land owner or developer who contracts for, allows or engages in an earth change in Cass County, MI shall obtain a permit from the Soil Erosion Control Agency prior to commencement of an earth change which disturbs one or more acres of land or if the earth change is within 500 feet of a lake or stream of this County.

Permit requirements include completed application form, completed soil erosion and sedimentation control plan that meets the listed requirements, completed scheduling/site sequence table form, and payment of the permit fees and if necessary a compliance bond or letter of irrevocable credit.

Click here for SESC application forms

Michigan EGLE Shoreline Protection website with BMP (Best Management Practice) Fact Sheets on these topics:  Native Aquatic Plants, Encapsulated Soil Lifts, Bioengineering (Lower-Energy), Biotechnical Erosion Control (Higher-Energy), and Shoreline Woody Structure.

New Water Quality Protection for Construction and Development flyer including silt fence installation instructions.

Land Development Contact List

Click here for some excellent Michigan State University Extension bulletins on shoreline plants, storm water planning, raingardens etc.

Natural Shoreline Flyer from MI Shoreline Partnership

SESC Permits must be posted at project sites. What’s on the back of the permit? Click here for General Conditions


 For in-depth details about erosion control measures and SESC specifications please visit the Michigan Association of County Drain Commissioners page’s SESC Manual.

For more information or to be mailed  the permit application packet please contact Korie Blyveis at 269-445-8641 x 5.