Tag Archives: budget

Budget Hearing Notice

Cass County Conservation District


Budget Hearing

To all residents of Cass County, notice is hereby given that the Cass County Conservation District will hold a public hearing before the regular monthly District Board meeting with new location at

A-mazing Acres, 18430 US-12 East, Edwardsburg, MI 49112
on the 13th day of September 2017, at 8:30am.

The purpose of the hearing is to consider the proposed budget of estimated expenses and revenues of the Cass County Conservation District for the 2017-2018 fiscal year.  A copy of the proposed budget will be posted for public inspection one week prior to meeting.  A tour of recently MAEAP verified farm A-mazing Acres will follow meetings.

This notice is posted in compliance with applicable law.

Cass County Conservation District will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services at the meeting to individuals with disabilities, upon reasonable notice to the District.  For more information contact Korie Blyveis, District Administrator at 269-445-8641 extension 5 or korie.blyveis@macd.org.

You are invited to attend and become a part of building the conservation efforts in Cass County.  All persons interested will be given an opportunity to present comments at said public hearing.

Jeff Blyveis, Chairman
Cass County Conservation District