The May 13, 2020 Cass County Conservation District Board Meeting will be held by teleconferencing using Zoom.

Cass County Conservation District


Virtual Meeting Notice

The Cass County Conservation District Board will hold the Regular Board Meeting scheduled on

 Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at 8:30 am

by teleconferencing using Zoom instead of in the USDA Service Center:

The special virtual means of conducting the meeting is due to grave concerns over the coronavirus and resulting COVID-19 disease, the social distancing ordered by Governor Gretchen Whitmer and in compliance with Executive Order 2020-77.

The meeting is open to the public in compliance with the
Michigan Open Meetings Act. Any member of the public who wishes to hear the meeting and speak during public comment times may do so by following the link below and signing in with meeting ID and password. If you have troubles accessing this or need special accommodations please contact Korie Blyveis at 269-506-8334 or email [email protected] before meeting to discuss alternate options and to receive a meeting agenda.

Join Zoom Meeting

 Meeting ID: 936 437 6130 Password: Healthy

For more information contact

Korie Blyveis, District Administrator at 269-445-8641 x 5.

Cass County Conservation District will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services upon request.

 This notice was posted by Korie Blyveis to comply with Sections 4 and 5 of Michigan Open Meetings Act (MCL 15.265) at 6:30pm on May 11, 2020 on the District Office door and website which is at least 18 hours prior to the start of the meeting.