All posts by landandwater

Annual Awards 2018

Over the years Conservation Awards are given to deserving organizations and individuals that work hard to conserve our natural resources. At the Annual meeting on December 4, 2018 four were awarded this honor.

Congratulations to the 2018 award winners: Conservationist of the Year: Ken Kesson/Michigan DNR SW Region; Conservation Farmer: Kevin Hershberger; Environmental Awareness Advocate: Ramona Moorman (posthumously)/Marcellus News; and Volunteer of the Year: Jeff Blyveis.

See more details about each of these awardees on our District Website:

Board of Directors Election


Cass County Conservation District Board of Directors Election

To all residents of the Cass County Conservation District, notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, December 4, 2018 between the hours of 5:00pm-7:00pm at the Pokagon Community Center a District Board of Directors Election will be held. 

The election is being held to fill new terms for two (2) Board of Director positions.  Candidates include:  John Green, Bernie Williamson, and Scott Wyman (incumbent).

The election will be conducted during the District Annual Meeting being held on December 4, 2018 from 5:30-8:00pm at the Pokagon Band Community Center, 27043 Potawatomi Trail, Dowagiac, MI 49047The Annual Meeting will feature “Conservation Practices Working in Cass County”, awards ceremony, and annual report.

Voting is open to Cass County residents only. Absentee ballots are available at the Conservation District located at 1127 E. State St., Cassopolis, MI weekdays 8:00am-4:30pm except Federal Holidays.  Eligible voters are individuals of legal age who can demonstrate residency in Cass County, Michigan via one (1) piece of identification. For more information call (269) 445-8641 extension 5.

This notice is published at least forty-five (45) days prior to date of the Election as required by Conservation District Law. Cass County Conservation District is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.

Dan Stutsman
Chairperson of the Board of Directors
Cass County Conservation District

2018 Budget Hearing

Cass County Conservation District

Budget Hearing
September 12, 2018, 8:30am

To all residents of Cass County, notice is hereby given that the Cass County Conservation District (CCCD) will hold a public hearing at the USDA Service Center conference room located across from the CCCD office at 1127 E. State Street, Cassopolis on the 12th day of September 2018, at 8:30am.

The purpose of the hearing is to consider final approval of the proposed budget of estimated expenses and revenues of the CCCD for the 2018-2019 fiscal year beginning October 1, 2018.  The proposed budget will be presented to the CCCD board before the regular monthly board meeting.

You are invited to attend and become a part of building the conservation efforts in Cass County.  All persons interested will be given an opportunity to present comments at this public hearing.

A copy of the proposed budget will be posted for public inspection one week prior to the meeting at the District office located at 1127 E. State Street, Cassopolis, MI 49031.

This notice is posted in compliance with applicable law. 

Cass County Conservation District will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services at the meeting to individuals with disabilities, upon reasonable notice to the District.  For more information contact Korie Blyveis, District Administrator at 269-445-8641 extension 5 or [email protected]. 

Dan Stutsman, Chairman
Cass County Conservation District

New SESC pamphlet

The SESC staff have developed a new handout to inform residents & contractors of the need for soil erosion and sedimentation protection when working on projects that involve an “earth change” over an acre in size or within 500′ of a body of water.

We hope you find this useful.    NEW SESC handout

New SESC handout

Hiring new SESC Inspector/program assistant

Cass County Conservation District – SESC Inspector/Program Assistant

Cass County Conservation District is seeking applicants for the part-time Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Program (SESC) inspector/program assistant position. Duties include SESC site inspections, permit preparation, related clerical, and general program promotion. 

Application Deadline: 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 27, 2018.  Submit a cover letter, resume, and 3 references to Korie Blyveis, District Administrator at [email protected]. Please contact Korie with any questions by email or phone at 269-445-8641 x 5.

Special Education Events!

We are starting tonight with a series of education opportunities open to the public for those interested in Conservation issues.

Forests Pests Program – 1/6/18  at the Cassopolis Public Library starting at 6pm

Edible Wild Plant Workshop – at the Vandalia Community Center starting at 5:30pm

Pollinator Habitat – Grasslands Workshop with the MUCC – at Camp Friedenswald starting at 6pm

Hope to see you at one or all of these events!

Special Board Meeting January 30, 2018

Cass County Conservation District
Special Meeting

To all residents of Cass County, notice is hereby given that the Cass County Conservation District will hold a special meeting of the District Board at the USDA Service Center conference room located at 1127 E. State Street. Cassopolis, MI 49031 on the 30th day of January 2018, at 8:30am.

The purpose of the meeting is:

  • to consider CISMA grant funded Outreach Educator position which will become open after February 2, 2018.
  • to review Government Shutdown

This notice is posted in compliance with applicable law.

Cass County Conservation District will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services at the meeting to individuals with disabilities, upon reasonable notice to the District.  For more information contact Korie Blyveis, District Administrator at 269-445-8641 extension 5 or [email protected].

You are invited to attend and become a part of building the conservation efforts in Cass County.  All persons interested will be given an opportunity to present comments during public comment period.

Dan Stutsman, Chairman
Cass County Conservation District

Cost Share

MAEAP Introduces Cost Share and On the Go Testing Program

The Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP) has introduced a cost sharing program for each county conservation district’s MAEAP program throughout the state. The Cass County Conservation District MAEAP program has received $3,000 dollars to assist farms throughout the county in achieving MAEAP verification. The MAEAP program consists of four separate systems: Farmstead, Cropping, Livestock, and Forest, Wetland, and Habitat. Upon accomplishing verification in each, or all relevant systems pertaining to each specific farm, the farms receive legal Right to Farm Protections, points for restricted use pesticide licenses, a small reduction in insurance fees through Farm Bureau, community recognition, and several other benefits.

If you farm in Cass County, we hope you are interested in verification of one or more of these systems.  In pursuing each verification, farms must have completed several steps. For example, basic soil and water tests must be completed, spill kits must be easily accessible, and specific standards set in place by the MAEAP program must be met (such as having a fuel transfer pad where equipment is filled.) Knowing there are only 24 hours in the day and a dollar can only go so far, we understand these tasks can be time consuming and costly. MAEAP is designed to be a program that benefits the environment and the farm. To minimize your steps towards getting MAEAP verified and add convenience to your day, MAEAP has introduced a cost share program to cover basic tests and assist in costs for small projects needed to achieve verification.

If a test is needed after going through an assessment with Erez, the Cass County MAEAP Technician, he will collect your soil or water samples and send or deliver them directly to the testing group of your choice. If a spill kit, backflow preventer or drain plugs are needed, Erez can help with them as well. Other small projects needed when pursuing MAEAP verification that could be completed with financial assistance can be discussed with Erez for possible funding support. MAEAP is designed to add convenience and pride to your farm – it is hoped adding this program will make you even more excited about achieving your verification in 2018! For specific guidelines and cost share details, feel free to stop in to the Cass County Conservation District office at 1127 East State Street in Cassopolis, MI. Feel free to call or email Erez at the office, at 269-228-7084 or at [email protected]. We hope to either begin, or continue working with you in pursuing your verification!

2018 Board of Directors Meeting Schedule

The Cass County Conservation District Board voted to continue holding their Board of Directors monthly meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 8:30am and to meet at the USDA Service Center conference room located at 1127 E. State Street, Cassopolis, MI 49031.

Please join us at the meetings and be involved with your local Conservation District.  FYI – We do plan to schedule at least one meeting a year at a different location (MAEAP verified location tour) so, you may want to check in for possible location change.

Board of Director Meeting Dates